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This will be a short update.
Got back from KL meeting cousins from The States. Duhh I miss them sooooo much. Been not meeting them up for five years. Time flies.
Brother and I were welcomed with big hugs when we first arrived *warmss*. Both cousins Wan Teng and Willam didn't changed much. Cousin sis was just the same, just Willam got big a bit. Taller would be better, then it'll make a perfect guy =P
Went around hunting for food mostly during those few days. Dim sum, grill fish, char kuey teow....and lotsa more. Not to mention homecook dishes. Gees~ =D
Waiting both cousins to come back Kampar next Monday and we'll be starting our whole bunch of journeyssss,hoho~ =D
They're at Redang right now,make me so jealous with the diving. Aiksss~ Next year! Next year I'll be taking the diving course. Wait me!!! >.<


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