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It's Good Friday

Its Good Friday and the sky was gloomy whole day...its feeling sad too huh?I guess~
Hmmm...thought of starting blogging for past few weeks before I ended my teaching job because I feel some strong sense of writing but yet I'm too lazy to start off,haha!So,Imma off today(yea, from my new job that has a not-so-healthy working environment =x) and I'm so free the whole morning after my morning devotion and try DIY curling my hair(a new hairstyle in need!),so there goes this bloggie get started...hoho~
After I ended my teaching job, when i saw little kids in the church's Sunday school or when my students called me ''潘老师'' when they saw me somehow makes me recall my teaching life...ohhh I miss my kids so much >.< and of course, the easy and relax working life. Its has short working hours and I had plenty of my own personal time after school. *baking and movie loves* Somemore I got to see cute little smiling faces everyday and for sure, they brighten my day. Yeah I love kids ^.^

 see how joyful are them! lovesss~ ^.^

For now, my job its a super duper big contrast! Gotta deal with kinda many leceh customers...Aiksss~ >.< Not gonna talk much about this anyhow.
Back to teaching, I think I had real passion in it! It somehow makes me feel like I'm doing a very meaningful job as I get to teach the kids to study, to calculate, to sing and to play a flute( ya I teach music classes XD)...From something that the kids don't know at all to they understand and  master the skills is a great progress. Can I say, its magical. I feel real happy when they did well, I can see them through homeworks they hand in. =)
They're just simply innocent and ya, teacher really do play a main role in a kid's life. "Teacher's one word is better than parent's ten phrases" as many mama says,haha XD Teach them the right from wrong is an important thing too. When kids got into a fight, or bully-ing cases, ask them to say sorry to each other is what I always do...learn to apologize and to forgive...It's not easy okay, even many adults couldn't do that,serious saying...Not just spilting the words from your mouth, but mean it...hope it works =D
One more thing is, kids love story tellings *winks* Actually I didn't manage to tell them much, but at least I told some classes about Adam & Eve which I was sharing gospel at the same time,sowing seeds ^.^ and for standard2 kids was the story from their working exercise book, animal stories...get me?Neh, those kiddo stories with the monkeys and lions,haha XD I got actions, face expressions and voice switching ehhh, professional leh...never know I can do that,haha! *proud of myself* I got real talents, should go for story telling during my primary school times XD
Think I really do miss my teaching, feel so happy now although I'm just writing it out...I miss the days >.<
Arrghh...forget about prepared for tonite's Good Friday prayer meeting and gals night out follows...some celebration *lovesss*

this touches me the most *loves* worth my all efforts <3

Till then, xx
    tracey <3


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